Daniel R. Shea & Associates Systems Group Inc.


New? For over 20 years we have partnered with architects and contractors and applied all of our core services to create many new practises or locations as functional and productive spaces. We handle it all, including liaising with all external service providers and assist dental suppliers where practical in specialized equipment setup etc.

Our Design/Build expertise provides your new build or reno with infrastructure wiring, network and server room design, security, smart office technologies as well as ambient streaming music, TV and signage. Our Design/Build team is with you from concept to doors open.

Established? Our Managed Services team works with your dental provider to install and manage any of the top practise management software. Our proactive network monitoring and management as well as ongoing remote and on-site support provides immediate help for stress free productivity.

Our Consulting and Project management services are always available to help you plan and manage practical and sustainable change.